The La Milpa Lodge lies nestled deep in the forests of northwestern Belize. It is located only three miles from the third-largest archaeological site in Belize. The La Milpa Archaeological Site is only one of at least sixty other archaeological sites found in the Rio Bravo area. More than 300 species of birds have been recorded in the area. We will bird throughout the day on the many trails as we look for green honeycreepers, an array of wrens, Pheasant cuckoo, Ocellated Turkeys, Great Curassow, Tinamous, Ornate Hawk-Eagles, Barred Forest-Falcons, Scaled Pigeon, Buff-throated Foliage Gleaner, northern barred Woodcreeper, Royal Flycatcher, Chestnut-collared woodpecker, Green shrike vireo just to name a few.

Early morning birding on the grounds as we enjoy a number of hummingbirds such as the Purple-crown Fairy, Long-billed Hermits, and many other birds. After a late breakfast, we drive through the rainforest on the backroads and hope to see other wildlife such as Jaguars, Margays, Pumas, Red brocket deer, Peccaries, and more. A number of birds such as the laughing Falcon, Crested Guans, Black Hawk-Eagle, Black and white Hawk-Eagle, Brown-hooded parrots, Mealy parrots, and more.