Mountain Pine Ridge
The area known as Mountain Pine Ridge is a 300 sq. mile reserve that consists of mostly pine trees, broad-leaf forests shrubs, grasses and sedges. This type of habitat renders it a good birding destination for unique species.

Here we have the opportunity to see Plumbeous Vireo, Green Jay, Cabani’s Wren, Yellow-faced Grassquits, the Rufous-Capped Warblers, Acorn Woodpeckers, Yellow-tailed Orioles, Golden-Hooded Tanagers Graces Warbler. In this area Black Headed Siskins can often be seen flying in flocks. There is also a strong possibility of seeing Orange-Breasted Falcons and King Vultures by the 1,000 foot falls (Hidden Valley). We have seen the Lovely Cotinga 8 out of 10 trips other birds include Ornate hawk Eagle,Black and White Hawk Eagle and the Stygian Owl.

Even with its recent bout of forest devastation due to the Southern Pine Beetles, the attractions of Mountain Pine Ridge are still captivating and worth a visit. The reserve is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls in the country such as Big Rock Falls, Hidden Valley Falls, and Butterfly Falls. The Rio On Pools is a popular place for swimming, relaxing, sliding around in the cascades and little falls, or simply admiring the granite rock formations dating back 300 million years. A common visitor to the Rio On Pools is the Hepatic Tanager.
The Rio Frio Caves, a large cavern with openings on both sides, has a creek flowing and echoing through the cave. The picturesque jungle trails leading to the cave has a trail provide a chance to see birds such as the Orange-Billed Sparrow, White-Throated Robin, an array of Tanagers.